Glowy Interview Makeup (I got the job)

Hi Internet Void!

It’s been a hard time for basically everyone everywhere.  I’ve (hopefully) temporarily lost all three of my jobs because of the coronavirus.  Once the panic and stress set in I applied to tons of jobs on Indeed and the only one that got back to me was a grocery store company.  I have worked as a cashier before.  One of the best jobs I’ve ever had was being a cashier at CVS in high school.  The only terrifying thing is going from making the $25 an hour I made as a nanny to $15 an hour.  Minimum wage is extremely hard to get by on especially in NYC.  It went really well and I was so nervous and bumbling during the first few moments of the interview but I snapped back.  She offered me the job on the spot and I’m gonna have orientation tomorrow.

Anywayys this is a makeup post and this is how I did my face for the interview.  I wanted to do a natural glowy and healthy look that really let my natural beauty shine.  That meant sadly no fake eyelashes and no glitter lids and because of that I didn’t think it would be fun but it actually was and I LOVE this look.  The foundation I used was very dewy and made it so I didn’t have to use any highlighter on my cheeks.

Makeup used:

  1. Maybelline dream urban cover foundation in 120 classic ivory
  2. Ciate watermelon burst hydrating primer
  3. Rimmel insta duo contour stick in light
  4. Wet and wild photo focus concealer in light ivory
  5. Doucce bombastic lash volumizer mascara
  6. Real techniques sponge
  7. Space case seen from space 1C highlighter (just under the eyebrow)
  8. NYX lip liner in brunch me
  9. NYC suede lipstick in brunch me
  10. Huda beauty warm brown obsessions (I only used the light brown color that’s in the bottom row in the middle
  11. Black liquid eyeliner

Blue gold eyeshadow makeup look

This was originally gonna be a makeup recreation but the purple eyeshadow I had in my only colorful palette wasn’t bright enough so I free styled it and this is how it turned out. I am falling back in love with blue eyeshadow now that I’m a grown up and know about blending.

makeup recreation: a Kylie Jenner pastel look

One of my New Years resolutions this year is to get better at makeup as it’s something I love to do and I spend so much time doing it and I would love to master it. I’ve been saving makeup inspiration photos on Instagram and starting to recreate there. I’m very much a beginner so I’m doing my best.